Green Landscaping

With the latest focus on global warming, you can play a role in reducing some of the burdens to the environment through green landscaping. But apart from beefing up your home’s curb appeal, green landscaping also saves the green in your wallet.

Every homeowner recognizes how difficult it can be to maintain lush landscapes through the hot summer months. It means keeping the soil rich with sufficient amendments, and careful pruning and mowing, among other activities.

Most suburban lawns consume copious amounts of water every year, causing the water prices to soar. But on the bright side, such scenarios highlight the benefit of going green in landscaping with the help of such experts as Eco Minded Solutions.

Green landscaping has a host of benefits to your home, and it is time you think in that direction.

You Ditch the Pesticides

As more attention turns to global warming, people are growing wary of the harmful effects of using pesticides when landscaping. Others are more interested in reducing their rising energy costs and still keep the lawn or yard aesthetically appealing.

Whatever the case, using native plant varieties reduces the need for chemicals to control pests and diseases. Typically, plants with a developed resistance to the local pests and bacteria may not need pesticides to be healthy and look lush.

On the other hand, some commercial fertilizers can leach into the soil and make the area around it toxic. But there is also a green way around it.

Compost manure adds essential microbes and nutrients to the soil and is an excellent way of conserving the environment. There may also be plant species with local insect repellent qualities, and adding these will keep your yard comfortable, peaceful, and more enjoyable.

Low Maintenance

One of the crucial principles of green landscaping is the use of local drought-resistant plants. These work in concert with the current environmental and weather patterns. Typically, Xeriscaping is less demanding, and you get the most out of the foliage with minimum effort. You still get the flowers in season, and you don’t have to spend all your weekend watering or tend the plants.

Great examples include begonias, geraniums, and impatiens, which have longer blooming cycles and are great candidates for green landscaping. You can add dry Mediterranean herbs to your collection of backyard plants and save on water. They don’t need a lot of watering.

A good recommendation is to use a watering can or hose and be close to the plants. Consider drip irrigation as well, which is more effective than sprinklers.


You can incorporate conservation in landscaping and make savings while you are at it. According to the Department of Energy, you can make household energy savings of $100-$250 every year, with a few strategically placed shade trees.

A lot of plant life in your yard can clean up the air around your home and offset any pollution from lawn equipment. Current estimates indicate that lawnmower per hour emissions are more than those of ordinary vehicles. But you can recoup the damage through green landscaping.

Long Term Savings

A lawn-based landscape gobbles up large amounts of the green in your wallet because of the associated maintenance costs.

Opting for a green backyard reduces this spend by up to 90% because the native plants will be handier, and you don’t need to put a lot of effort into keeping them healthy.

You will not have to replace or feed them as often as the traditional lawn. For example, you don’t run the sprinklers as much. This reduces the landscaping costs.

Regularly add compost to improve water retention and add vital microbes. Mulch to cool down the soil. Green landscaping allows you to save water, money, and the environment.

As a result, you add a much-needed natural appeal to your backyard and make your home greener.

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