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The Most Useful Outdoor Survival Tips

Find out how to stay alive in the outdoors before your next trip. In the woods, you should learn how to find food, clean water, make a shelter, and find your way around.

Have you ever imagined yourself getting lost in the wilderness? This situation is likely to happen to every outdoorsy person who seeks adventure deep in the woods without considering the possibility of being faced with survival.

However, taking the wrong path or having an accident may result in being stuck in the wilderness, depending on limited resources and your own skills to survive.

These situations require maximal calmness, focus, and resourcefulness to save one’s life. Therefore, prior to commencing your next adventure, make sure you have the following survival tips in mind:

4 Most Useful Outdoor Survival Tips

Learn important outdoor survival skills that will keep you safe in the wild. Get useful tips on how to find shelter, food, water, and your way around to make sure you’re ready for any journey.

#1. Don’t panic

Perhaps the most crucial aspect of surviving in the wilderness is staying calm. Bear in mind that panic should not be your companion, as it will only make matters worse. Regardless of how terrified you are, don’t allow panic to take command.

Instead, clear your mind in order to devise a feasible plan. Visit this page for some tips on managing your body’s symptoms during a panic attack.

Commence your survival journey by listing all the items in your current possession, then place your focus on obtaining the essentials you lack, such as water and a shelter.

Identify which of your belongings could be used in the process of making a shelter, since every item is of some value.

Moreover, remember not to let the feeling of despair overwhelm you, as otherwise your mission is likely to end up without success.

The key element is to keep yourself busy and focused so as to prevent any distraction from the main goal.

#2. Build a shelter

The only way to survive the sub-zero temperatures of the wilderness during the night is building a shelter.

It’s essential for preventing hyperthermia, which is extremely likely to take place, as well as protection from all harsh weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, and strong winds.

Make sure you build a small shelter—enough for you to fit in a lying position. Collect fallen branches and employ the thicker ones for the base, whereas the thinner ones are for the sides. Don’t forget to use plenty of leaves and tree bark as insulation.

Outdoor Survival Training

However, in some cases, you’d have to build a shelter to achieve the opposite effect. If you’re exposed to unbearable heat, make sure your shelter serves as a shade against the sun and has enough air circulation.

In order to lie on cold ground, do a little digging. The deeper you dig, the cooler the soil. Visit the following link: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Shelter-in-the-Wilderness, to learn about three different ways of building a shelter in the wilderness.

#3. Start a fire

Lighting a camp fire is particularly important for providing your body with the necessary warmth, especially in the evening when the temperatures get amazingly low.

The easiest way to start a fire is to use a lighter or matches, normally if you carry any of these with you. Anyhow, remember to store the matches in a dry place, as they won’t be of any value if they get wet.

However, in case you lack these items, there’s another alternative to lighting a fire: using batteries. You’d need two small-size batteries in order to make a spark.

In terms of wood material, you won’t have any problem finding branches, leaves and bark. Use the smaller branches to start the fire and the larger ones to maintain it longer.

#4. Look for clean water

Since water is doubtless one of the vital elements of survival, you’re supposed to look for a source of unpolluted water. It’s paramount to start the search as soon as possible, since the amount you already have will run out in the blink of an eye.

In fact, rain and snow are excellent sources of clean water, most commonly available in the wilderness. However, regarding snow, you aren’t advised to eat the snow directly, as your organism will have to employ plenty of energy due to its coldness.

In this type of situation, you can’t afford to waste your body’s energy. It’s wiser to melt it with the help of a camp fire or by exposing it to the sun.

Anyhow, in case you plan to go to the wilderness fully prepared, take a look at the survival techie’s useful gear tips, such as using a water filter kit to remove any contaminants.

Another alternative would be to dig in order to locate a water source. Since you probably won’t have a clue on where to start digging, take notice of the plants in your surroundings.

Most of them serve as indicators of a source. Also, collecting dew could be an effective method, but it’s more time-consuming.

Wrap up

When faced with a survival challenge, keep a clear head, obtain the essentials and place your focus on finding a way out!

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