Litigation Lawyer

Although most cases are settled out-of-court to decongest court dockers and minimize the overall cost of going to court, there are instances in which your case has to proceed to trial for litigation.

You certainly need to hire a litigation lawyer who’ll represent you in a lawsuit when this happens. Once they accept your case, they’ll be in charge of all the stages of litigation, including the investigations, preparation of pleadings, pre-trial, trial, settlement, and even the appeal process.

However, when looking for a litigation lawyer, there are many things to consider. One of them is how much they charge for their services.

Generally, there’s no fixed amount as to how much you should pay a legal professional. The costs of hiring a litigation lawyer may depend on several factors.

So, continue reading this article to get familiar with some factors that affect how much a litigation lawyer would cost.

Types of Fee Arrangements

Litigation Lawyer Cost

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Ideally, there are various types of fee arrangements that legal professionals offer their clients. These can include:

#1. Contingency fee

It’s a free structure wherein the lawyer isn’t paid for their attorney’s fees unless the client wins the case and recovers compensation.

When you receive a favorable judgment, the lawyer will deduct a contingent fee or a percentage of the total amount awarded by the court as payment for their services.

#2. Flat fee

It’s a fee arrangement wherein the lawyer is paid a flat fee for a specific case, regardless of the time used, the difficulty of the case, and other similar factors.

#3. Retainer fee

It’s a fee structure wherein the lawyer requires you to pay a retainer fee upfront. As they start working on the client’s case, they’ll deduct the costs from the amount of pay as seen in the invoices.

#4. Hourly rate

It’s the common fee arrangement lawyers want their clients to bill them. To determine the rate, it’s essential to carefully document the time spent working on documents, reviewing case files, and representing you in court.

Indeed, many lawyers use different fee arrangements to determine the cost of hiring them. But, when it comes to cases that require a litigation lawyer from a reputable law firm, like GLG LLP, the hourly rate is usually used to calculate the potential cost of seeking legal help.

Factors Affecting Attorney’s Fees

Aside from the different fee arrangements, the cost of hiring a litigation lawyer can also be determined by the factors that affect the attorney’s fees.

This is especially true if your lawyer wants to charge an hourly rate. Some common factors affecting attorney’s fees can include:

Lawyer’s experience in the area of law

The rate you may have to pay your litigation lawyer is much higher if they specialize in the case you’re dealing with. For example, if you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, hiring a legal professional experienced in criminal law would be more expensive than someone who doesn’t have valuable experience handling criminal cases.

The case’s complexity

Your litigation lawyer’s attorney’s fees may also depend on your case’s complexity. If your claim isn’t that difficult to handle, the lawyer may charge you a lower rate. But ,if it’s a complex one, they may bill you at an expensive rate.

The number of hours the lawyer expects to work on your case

The longer your lawyer needs to work on your case, the higher the bill you’ll have to pay for their litigation services. However, the shorter hours they work on your case, the less costly your bill is.

The number of additional lawyers or support the lawyer requires to represent a client

If representing you in court requires additional support, the litigation lawyer may charge you a higher bill. But, if your case doesn’t need further assistance, you’re expected to pay a lesser amount for the attorney’s fees.

Court costs and fees

Most courts will bill you every time a legal document is filed with the court. As such, the amount of money to pay a litigation lawyer may also be affected by the number of records you file in court. The more paperwork you file, the higher your fees are.

How long will the litigation take

The time spent for litigation also depends on some factors, such as how much delay the other lawyer puts in and the court schedule. This means that the longer your case is resolved, the more money you’ll pay for the litigation lawyer.

Final Thoughts 

Hiring a litigation lawyer can give you peace of mind, knowing your legal rights are protected.

With them by your side, you’ll have a better chance of winning your case and getting out of legal trouble in no time.

However, like other professionals, seeking legal assistance may require you to spend a significant amount of money for attorney’s fees and other related expenses.

Therefore, if you’re hiring a litigation lawyer anytime soon, keep the information mentioned above in mind to have an idea of how much they would cost if they accept your case and represent you in court.

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